Tourism becomes a wealth that will not run out otherwise tourism will continue to grow if the management is getting better. Media relations becomes one of the alternatives in helping the promotion process of a tourist destination. This study aims to analyze the media relations strategy in promoting tourist destinations that focus on the Kutang beach district Lamongan. This research applies a qualitative naturalistic method where there is no manipulation of an event (background) of research. The result of this research is the use of media relations to be one of the main components in improving the development of coastal tourism destinations. Use of media relations applied: 1) Press Release Activity, 2) Conference Press, 3) Event, 4) Press Message. Some of these activities carried out by involving the community, managers, government, and tourists, so that the implementation of media relations activities can be maximized. Some media relations activities that have been carried out are press release activities, press conferences, special events. One of which dominating is a special event because it is considered by the speaker as a simple activity that is able to have a tremendous impact, with the event, media partners from themselves will involve themselves in the event activities. Besides conducting media relations, it is also necessary to establish segmentation and clear segmenting. It is also necessary to do tourism differentiation to create sustainable tourism.
Abstak: Pariwisata menjadi sebuah kekayaan yang tidak akan habis sebaliknya pariwisata akan terus berkembang apabila dilakukan pengelolaan yang semakin bagus
The author thinks that there is a need to review further related to media relations strategy in promoting a tourist location in hopes of being able to grow sustainable tourism
The tourism sector is regulated in Law Number 10 Year 2009 on Tourism, in article 3 it is explained that tourism serves to meet the physical, spiritual and intellectual needs of every tourist with recreation and travel and increase country income to realize the welfare of society
Tourism management should be done by correlated management that utilizes digitalization. Media relation strategy is still an interesting study in tourism promotion activities. The author thinks that there is a need to review further related to media relations strategy in promoting a tourist location in hopes of being able to grow sustainable tourism. The importance of media relations as a jack of one tourist destination Based on these problems, the researcher wanted to know the media relation strategy in promoting the beach tourism destination of the district of Lamongan. Based on the above definition it can be explained that marketing communication is an important aspect in the overall marketing mission as well as determinants of marketing success, marketing communication for the tourism sector becomes very important This makes the company obliged to build communication and relationships with its customers in order to.
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