
The article presents the results of the analysis of the species composition, biomorphological and ecological features, and frequency of occurrence of meadow medicinal plants in the vicinity of Holoborodkivske village, Poltava district, Poltava region. In this area, 34 species of meadow medicinal plants belonging to 32 genera, 17 families, 3 classes and 2 divisions were identified. Representatives of two divisions were common: Equisetophyta (1 species or 2,9% of the total) and Magnoliophyta (33 species or 97,1%), and within the latter, representatives of two classes – Liliopsida (1 species or 2,9%) and Magnoliopsida (32 species or 94,2%). The most numerous by the number of species represented are the families: Asteraceae (8 species or 23,5%), Rosaceae (4 species or 11,8%), Fabaceae, Polygonaceae and Lamiaceae (3 species or 8,8% each), Caryophyllaceae (2 species or 5,9%), the remaining 16 are represented by one species (2,9%). Among the identified genera, only Artemisia L. and Persicaria Mill. have 2 species (5,9%) each, the other 30 genera have 1 species (2,9%). Herbaceous perennial plants prevail by the main biomorph (22 species or 64,7%). Hemicryptophytes (26 species or 76,5%) dominate among the life forms according to K. Raunkier. In relation to soil moisture, mesophytes (14 species or 41,2%) dominate among the meadow medicinal plants, mesophytes (14 species or 41,2%) in relation to soil moisture, mesotrophs (21 species or 61,8%) in relation to soil trophism, and heliophytes (18 species or 53%) in relation to light. The frequency of occurrence is dominated by plants that are rare (12 species or 35,3%). Given the frequency of occurrence, 18 species (53%) are not recommended for mass collection for medicinal purposes. The groups of plants with wound healing and diuretic effects dominate in terms of pharmacological action (20 species or 58.8% each).

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