
The article highlights the results of studying the taxonomic composition, floristic features and occurrence of weed species in different types of territories in Vinnytsia region – 159 species of weeds belonging to 116 genera from 32 families were found in the investigated lands of different types – segetal (fields) and ruderal (field margins, field roads, highways). The largest number of species was documented on field margins (123 species), and the smallest number – on roadsides of highways (80 species). The number of identified species on fields and field roads is similar to that on field margins (117-111 species).The values of P. Jaccard’s floristic similarity coefficient indicate a high similarity of the species composition of fields, their roadsides, and field roads (65.2–69.6%) compared to the roadsides of highways (47.0–55.0%). This trend indicates a close interrelation of weed species composition of the main habitat types that make up each agroecosystem (fields, field margins and field roads), which is the reason for the need for regular monitoring of weeds not only in fields, but also in their margins and surrounding field roads.It was found that the distribution of species by families is irregular. The first places by the number of species for all comparison positions are occupied by the families Asteraceae Dumort. and Poaceae Barnhart., with the family Asteraceae significantly exceeding other families by the number of recorded species.It was established that most of the registered weed species belong to the dominant families. It was found out that 59 weed species were registered on all studied types of habitats. A comparative analysis of the obtained data showed that the species are represented in different types of localities to different degrees.The weed species composition in Vinnytsia region is characterized by the unity and stability of the taxonomic structure over a long period of time and regardless of the type of habitat. High indicators of similarity lead to a comprehensive study of weed species compositions of the main habitat types that make up each agroecosystem (fields, field margins, and field roads).

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