
The article outlines the functioning of the semantic field of the token pyrih in Polissya and all-Ukrainian contexts. In the study, we used a functional method to determine the role of seeds in shaping the structure of the field. The structure of the semantic field of the lexeme pyrih was formed over the centuries, today it unites two dominant groups of seeds: to refer to products from flour of the highest grade and flour products as elements of rituals. The periphery of the semantic field is represented in the lexical-semantic group of phraseological units with the pyrih component, it correlates with the figurative meanings of the lexeme, in particular, 'wealth', 'well-being'. The studied field demonstrates the primary influence of ethnological factors on the formation of lexeme semantics. Our observations showed that a separate sememe within the lexeme, which is nuclear for a group of names of products made of flour of the highest grade, namely a 'flour product with filling' is inherent in the dialect system of both the Polissya region and the Ukrainian dialect continuum as a whole. The lexeme belongs to the oldest Pra-slavonic and Proto-Indo-European layers of vocabulary and operates throughout Slavia and beyond. The realities covered by the name are an important part of the national cuisine of Polissya and Ukraine as a whole. In Polissya, the lexeme pyrih covers seeds to denote a pie, dumpling, prosperity, ritual and ceremonial bread, wedding bread. The realities covered by the name are an important part of the national cuisine of Polissya and Ukraine as a whole. It should be noted that the oldest meaning of the word pyrih is ‘boiled dough product with filling’, and today for Western Ukraine, Poland this semantics is dominant, it is preserved in the settlements of Polissya, including the name boiled pies. The lexeme pyrih in Polissya is characterized by specificity and at the same time linguistic and cultural community within the all-Ukrainian language continuum. The tradition of baking in Polissya showed the stability of archaic elements, which in many respects reveal the syncretism of the original and Christian ideas and beliefs of Polissya residents.

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