
The article reveals the formal and legal guarantees of the budgetary system's balance by exploring the mechanism of normative fixing of its economic meaning.Balance in the financial system has a general social rule, which is manifested in the determination of the direct relationship between the level of accumulated income through the mechanisms of forced mobilization and the guaranteed by them the volume of consumption of budget services by a person.From a formal and legal point of view, this rules is a universal general principle of the public financial system, which, on its ontological basis, has objective regularities in the movement of the value, through the establishment of such a system of interconnection between the components of economic relations — the revenue and expenditure parts — to allow the maximum tasks before the manager of the respective public fund at the expense of the financial resources involved. At the same time, the substantive and procedural expression of its normative action implies the enshrining in the legislative acts of a number of rules that limit governmental possibilities to uncontrolled debt.Economic categories of components of budgets, with the difference of their cash nature and essential impact on macroeconomic indicators, allow allocating absolutely justifiably a separate legal regime for individual non-repayable receipts (revenues) and appropriate use of funds for the implementation of programs and budgetary activities (expenditures) financing operations as a technical element of ensuring the necessary cash balance of the financial system under the conditions of the law of value movement.The structure of normative definition and interconnection of phenomena and institutions proposed to be balanced in the Ukrainian legislation is in accordance with the basic requirements of ensuring the operation of this principle, with a high degree of objectivity capable of reflecting cash results of economic processes in the country, and in the wording of the latest regulatory changes takes into account the requirements ensuring the financial security of the state through the establishment of «fuses» of sustainable regulatory control of the deficit level at the level of the generally accepted 3% predicted nominal GDP.At the same time, the formulation of this rules in the Constitution of Ukraine should be not just a «need», but as one of the mandatory normative criteria for assessing the quality of the state budget policy for its professionalism. To achieve this, the Constitution of Ukraine should set out empirical economic indicators, indicators of such a balance — a reasonable proportional amount of expenditures for the implementation of certain socio-economic rights to the GDP, fixing the marginal volume of the deficit, including taking into account recommendations the relationship between the deficit, public debt, the structure of public liabilities and the volume of GDP. In fact, these provisions will determine the constitutional limits of financial activity, provided compliance with which will ensure the financial security of the state.


  • The Constitution of Ukraine should set out empirical economic indicators, indicators of such a balance — a reasonable proportional amount of expenditures for the implementation of certain socio-economic rights to the GDP, fixing the ISSN 2306-4994; ISSN 2310-8770 marginal volume of the deficit, including taking into account recommendations the relationship between the deficit, public debt, the structure of public liabilities and the volume of GDP. These provisions will determine the constitutional limits of financial activity, provided compliance with which will ensure the financial security of the state

  • Дослідження вказаних підгруп у фондах коштів дозволяє відобразити природу взаємозв’язку між ідеальною вартістю, яка існує в соціально-економічному просторі, вираженою в певному еквіваленті, та фондом і діяльністю, яка за його допомогою здійснюється через забезпечення грошовими ресурсами

  • Для забезпечення цієї мети в Конституції України повинні бути закріплені емпіричні економічні показники-індикатори такої збалансованості, щоб свобода розсуду держави для досягнення балансу мала контрольовані дискреційні межі та була законною і передбачуваною для її громадян — обґрунтований пропорційний розмір видатків на реалізацію окремих соціально-економічних прав до валового внутрішнього продукту, закріплення граничного обсягу дефіциту, в тому числі з урахуванням рекомендацій та об’єктивного взаємозв’язку між дефіцитом, публічним боргом, структурою публічних пасивів та обсягом валового внутрішнього продукту

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Marginal volume of the deficit, including taking into account recommendations the relationship between the deficit, public debt, the structure of public liabilities and the volume of GDP.

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