
The objective of this work has been to analyse the genesis ofOrganic Law 3/2020, of December 29,which modifies Organic Law 2/2006, of May 3, on Education(LOMLOE)through the 2030 SustainableDevelopment GoalsAgendaand the impact of Covid-19 pandemic on the implementation of these goals.Documentary references on the SDGs from international (UN, UNESCO, etc.) and national sources have been analysed for their implementation and development inSpain. From this analysis and a carried-out reflection, it is possible to conclude that LOMLOE seems to be based on this objectivein compliance with SDG-4 (education), as well as for the fight against climate change. This is conducted throughthe introduction of education forsustainable development and for global citizenship (EDS-ECG), new transversal competences, new curricular developments,and a greater inclusion. The development of these, will be essential in the post-COVID era. In this context, the Educational Inspection should play an essential role in this process.

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