
catalaL’article proposa analitzar el regim linguistic en l’ensenyament a Suissa, un Estat federal plurilingue especialment respectuos amb la diversitat. Formalment, s’estructura en tres parts. A la primera revisa criticament la dimensio politica del fet linguistic i el paper que assumeix l’escola en la proteccio de la diversitat linguistica en clau comparada. Seguidament, l’article revisa el marc de repartiment competencial entre la Confederacio helvetica i els vint-i-sis cantons en materia de llengua en l’ensenyament. A Suissa, el principi de territorialitat s’erigeix com la clau de volta de l’ordenacio del regim linguistic escolar. Cadascun dels cantons suissos decideix amb plena autonomia quines seran les llengues vehiculars i d’aprenentatge al seu respectiu sistema educatiu. L’article desenvolupa un estudi mes detallat del regim linguistic a l’ensenyament als tres cantons bilingues de Friburg, Berna i el Valais. Conclou analitzant les formules d’harmonitzacio i cooperacio intercantonal en aquest ambit. L’exemple suis permet comprovar com pot gestionar-se eficientment un entorn sociolinguistic complex des d’opcions de gestio d’aquesta diversitat en l’ambit educatiu excepcionalment descentralitzades, i fer-ho garantint el consens, la cooperacio i coordinacio interna. EnglishLinguistic diversity in Switzerland is generally regarded as a successful case of language management. The main purpose of this article is to analyze how multilingualism is protected in its education system. Formally, this article is divided into three parts. The first one offers an overview of language and education policies in comparative law. The second part reviews the Swiss education system and it describes the large degree of autonomy of the Swiss cantons in language education policy. In Switzerland, the main responsibility for the education system resides with the 26 cantons: the cantons are responsible for the education system wherever the Federal Constitution does not stipulate that the Confederation is responsible. The cantons specify the language of instruction, generally based on the official language of the area where the schooling takes place. Depending on the canton, the language of instruction is German, French, Italian or Romansh. The Confederation and the cantons, within the scope of their responsibilities, encourage plurilingualism among learners and teachers. The article develops a more detailed study of the language of instruction in the bilingual cantons of Fribourg, Bern and Valais. Finally, it describes the Intercantonal Agreement on Harmonisation of Compulsory Education (HarmoS Agreement), a Swiss agreement on schooling. HarmoS Agreement obliges the cantons to harmonise the curricula and to coordinate the teaching material on the level of the linguistic regions.

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