
The war between Russia, Turkey and Iran for the North Caucasus ended in favor of Russia. The geopolitical location of the region demanded the strengthening of Russia's positions in the troubled region. The Kuban Cossacks provided the reliable shield in most parts of the North Caucasus. On the Lines (Old and New) the Cossacks’ daily life was led according to the historically dictated military regime, which ensured the survival in the new circumstances. The procedure of units’ formation and terms of military service changed frequently in the new historical conditions. As a result, in the second half of the XIX century the Cossacks faced the problem of completing the Cossack units. In order to solve this problem a new (drawing kind) procedure of the Field Service for Cossacks was introduced. As a result of the military reforms the status of Cossack units declined significantly, the military spirit began to fade. The Cossacks’ mobilization possibilities of military service became more and more of a burden. However, the high moral basis, devotion to Russia, sense of duty, combat training, self-esteem, which took a leading position in the hierarchy of the Cossacks’ values, were fundamental categories in the preparation of decent defenders of the Fatherland. The best of them were granted the right to serve in the emperor's convoy, in the Warsaw division and the Belvedere Palace, and others. When it was time to be promoted in ranks, the length of service, hard work and education were taken into account. The bureaucratization of management on the national scale helped strengthen the power upon the Cossacks’ units, which led to the extinction of the military spirit of the Cossacks and lower mobilization readiness.

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