
The specifics of the military-physical training of the Cossacks at the family, community and educational levels is considered in the article. Along with a number of obligations, imputed to the Cossacks in charge, the spirit of exclusiveness in the Cossack environment was largely cultivated. The communities of the estates corporatism, traditions were passed down from generation to generation. All of this was based on a solid foundation of self-preservation. Political, social, economic and other processes in the North Caucasus had influenced perceptible on the transformation of the Kuban Cossacks‟ mind. It depressed the combat spirit. Integration of the Kuban Cossacks in the Russian Empire was in difficult historical conditions. The military principles of Cossacks were disrupted by the State military reform, the transformation of the socio-legal status. They have changed the political and value orientations of Cossacks, undermined the military spirit, weakened the system of patriotic education. This has led to the loss of political independence. However, the Cossacks played a crucial role in spreading the Russian military and administrative authority in the North Caucasus. It was in difficult conditions of interaction between different ethnic groups. Despite the fact that the evolutionary development of the Cossack sub ethnic groups in the Kuban region was interrupted, they became an organic part of the General panorama of the North Caucasus.

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