In order to produce sago starch, sago bar had to be crushed and extracted using water to separate starch from other compounds. In the sago processing, a lot of water was used to extract sago starch and finally was discarded as liquid waste. In this study, the quality of sago liquid waste, before and after applying a layer-based filter containing: coir, charcoal, gravel and sand, was measured. The study was designed with a different time of storage of the Sago liquid waste, namely 0,1,2,3,4, and 5 day of storage. Each day the liquid waste was filterd using layer-based filter, and then the quality of the liquid waste was compared. The parameters measured were total suspended solids, total dissolved solids, final pH, and physical parameters such as smell and color. The results ofthis studyshowed that quality decrese of sago liquid waste accurs during 5 days of storage as indicated by increasing the total suspended solids (up to 1400 mg/L) and the dissolved solids (up to 2000 mg/L), decresing the pH value (down to 5) and arising unpleasant smells. Furthermore,the use of thelayer-basedfilterwas effective enoughto restorethe quality of the sago liquid water bydecreasing thetotalsolids, neutralizing thepH valueand reducingthe unpleasant smell
Merupakan tanaman asli Asia Tenggara yang penyebarannya meliputi Melanesia Barat sampai India Timur dan dari Mindanao Utara sampai Pulau Jawa dan Nusa Tenggara bagaian selatan
The study was designed with a different time of storage of the Sago liquid waste, namely 0,1,2,3,4, and 5 day of storage
The results of this study showed that quality decrese of sago liquid waste accurs during 5 days of storage as indicated by increasing the total suspended solids and the dissolved solids, decresing the pH value and arising unpleasant smells
Limbah cair ekstraksi sagu diduga masih mengandung padatan berupa pati dan ampas serat hasil ekstraksi yang jika dibuang begitu saja secara terus menerus ke sungai atau lahan akan menurunkan kualitas perairan dan memberikan dampak negatif terhadap lingkungan. Maka perlu untuk dilakukan tindakan awal (pretreatment) terhadap limbah cair ekstraksi sagu sebelum dibuang ke lingkungan. Selanjutnya, pembuatan dan pengujian alat penyaring sistem berlapis akan dilakukan untuk mengetahui pengaruhnya terhadap kualitas limbah cair yang dihasilkan dari proses ekstraksi sagu. Bahan dan alat Bahan utama yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah sagu. Limbah cair ekstraksi sagu sebelum penyaringan bahan yang digunakan sebagai media penyaring adalah pasir, kerikil, arang dan serabut kelapa. Peralatan yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah wadah berkapasitas 26 Liter, kran, pompa vakum, kompor listrik, oven, timbangan analitik, pH meter, autoclave, laminar air flow, inkubator, penghitung sel (cell counter) dan peralatan gelas untuk analisis
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