
The kinetics of oxidation of tellurium(IV) by chromium(VI) was studied spectrophotometrically in perchloric acid medium keeping the ionic strength constant at 1 M with sodium perchlorate. The reaction was found to be of second order overall and first order with respect to either of the reactants and conforms to the expression, d[Cr(VI)]d t = k′[Cr(VI)][Te(IV)][H +], k′ being equal to 140 ± 5 lit 2 mol −2 sec −1 at 31°C at an ionic strength of 1.0. E a , ΔH ≠, ΔS ≠ and ΔG 304 ≠ for the reaction were found to be 2.91 kcal mol −1, 2.3 kcal mol −1, −41.2 kcal mol −1 degree −1 and 14.82 kcal mol −1 respectively. Sulphate and chloride ions were found to have considerable inhibitory effect on the oxidation. This was assumed to be due to a reduction in the concentration of HCrO 4 − through the formation of 1:1 complexes with these ions. The stability constants of these complexes were also calculated.

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