
The most pressing problems of the food industry today are the quality of food. The main factors influencing this indicator are the quality of raw materials, the technical and technological level of enterprises, the quality management system and food safety. Milk quality cannot be improved in the processing process, at best it can be stabilized, so the milk quality management system should focus on the technological processes of its production and primary treatment using a preventive approach. The sanitary and hygienic quality of milk production is a complex problem that is determined by a number of factors that combine the notion of "technology and culture of production". General bacterial contamination of milk raw materials should be considered as a collection of sources of ingress of microorganisms into the technological environment, in particular the microflora of the surface of the udder and lobes; microflora of udder channels; microorganisms of milking equipment, milk lines, milk packaging; microflora of personnel and environment. The traditional scheme of primary milk treatment provides a consistent picture of the quality and safety of raw milk obtained from its production. Measures to improve the quality and safety of raw milk through additional use of the decontamination process are proposed. The use of ultrasonic cavitation technologies for milk disinfection allows to increase the quality of milk and to get more money for the farm, to provide quality raw materials for dairy enterprises.

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