
As you know, the quality of milk cannot be improved during its processing, therefore the milk quality management system at production facilities should be focused on high-tech processes of its production. It has been scientifically proven that the process of obtaining and collecting milk, its primary processing, storage and transportation are the least controlled production processes. Therefore, the study of the milking technology impact and primary processing on the quality of the obtained milk remains relevant. An analysis of production and primary processing of milk was carried out at the farm of “Lany Vinkovechchyny” LLC in Khmelnytskyi region, and in order to improve the quality of the obtained milk raw materials, it was proposed to optimize the technology of primary processing of milk, in particular, to supplement the traditional scheme of primary purification with a fine filter. It was established that there is a dependence between the quality of raw milk and the technology of primary processing, so with successive purification of milk with a filter of coarse and then fine purification, the number of mesophilic aerobic and facultatively anaerobic microorganisms (KMAFAnM) in milk was at the level of 228 thousand CFU /cm3, which corresponds to the highest grade, at the same time, during one-time filtration in a closed flow with a coarse filter, the milk contained 332 thousand CFU /cm3, which is according to DSTU 3662:2018. corresponds only to the first kind indicator. After double filtration, only 259,000/cm3 somatic cells were found in the milk samples, which is 27.6% less than in the milk samples that underwent single purification. The proposed measures to improve the quality and safety of raw milk through the consistent use of filters for coarse and fine primary cleaning made it possible to increase the quality of milk and increase financial income for the farm.

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