
The hypertextual edition of Informatio status Marchie anconitane means to offer, through an organized network of links, a better possibility to read and use the documentary text. The Informatio is a report on the political conditions of the Marca anconitana drawn up in June 1341 by a Papal legate on the order of Pope Benedetto XII. In order to draw up the report, the Papal legate carried out a research in several centres of the Marca and consulted about 60 people. Therefore, the text is essentially formed by a series of evidences with information and opinions about the government of the Papal monarchy in the area. The evidences are all based on the same inquisitorial articles proposed by the legate. In the witnesses and in the people mentioned in the evidences it is possible to identify the protagonists of the historical scene of the Marca during the first half of the 14th century. It comes from this last aspect the idea that an hypertextual edition could offer a precious opportunity to read in a more effective way a text that both in the structure and in its contents can be defined as 'circular'. The editions means to establish a constant relation among the textual aspects, the historical fact and the interpretation. For this reason it is accompanied by a traditional essay that wants to reproduce a political geography of Marca during the first half of the 14th century and that especially means to study the systems the people involved in the research used to express the awareness oft he political situation of their time. In order to offer the possibility to have a synchronical reading of the documentary text with the contextual historical facts, three types of hypertextual links have been realized. The first type is about the people mentioned in the document and it refers to more than 30 prosopographic cards. The second type is about the places where the research is carried out and the ones mentioned in the document and it connects the link to two thematic and geographical maps. One of them uses a simple animation. The third type is about the political vocabulary and it offers some cards of hystorical and interpretative analysis of the key words the evidences revolve around. The hypertext is completed by a general bibliography.

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