
The article reviews approaches to the studies of social and political term, social and political terminology, as well as social and political vocabulary, described in the works of modern Ukrainian linguists, namely A. Buriachok, T. Panko, O. Moroz, L. Mykhailenko, Ya. Snisarenko, I. Kholiavko, N. Yatsenko, A. Taran, L. Turovska, O. Sydorenko and others. On the basis of twenty four sources it has been revealed that linguists are not unanimous in their approaches to the notions ‘social and political vocabulary’, ‘social and political terminology’ and ‘social and political term’. The author has generalized researchers’ views in seven concepts: social and political terminology is a special layer of terminological vocabulary; social and political terminology is an open system of nominative units, the core of which consists of terms related to term systems of certain social sciences; social and political terminology belongs to social and political vocabulary; social and political vocabulary is a special language subsystem; social and political vocabulary and terminology are two subsystems of one system; social and political terms make the core of social and political vocabulary; units of social and political vocabulary, as well as social and political terminology, are characterized by axiological semes. The author has arrived to the following conclusions: social and political vocabulary includes social and political terminology; social and political terminology is a dynamic and open aggregate of structurally simple and complex units from various terminological systems of social sciences; social and political term makes one of the units of these various terminological systems, it can be used beyond their limits and is characterized by belonging to one or several systems and by presence of social and political seme. Beyond the limits of its terminological system social and political term can acquire the following features: ideologization, axiological markedness, emotive and expressive coloring. It can also lose or get supplemented with semantic components, have flexible connotation and a range of other peculiar features traced beyond scientific style. Key words: theory of term, social and political vocabulary, social and political terminology, social and political term, general vocabulary

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