It has been shown, that manufacturing diffu- sive- and implanted-junction rectifiers in a semiconductor heterostructure and optimization of annealing give us possi- bility to increase sharpness of p-n-junction and homogeneity of dopant distribution in doped area. In this paper we con- sider influence of adsorption of dopant in the heterostructure on distribution of dopant concentration in the p-n-junction. Based on results of modeling we show, that adsorption of dopant gives us possibility to decrease both sharpness of the p-n-junction and homogeneity of dopant distribution in enriched by the dopant area.
One of actual questions of manufacturing of integrated circuits is decreasing of dimensions of their elements
In the present paper we consider a heterostructure with two layers, which consist of a substrate with known type of conductivity (p or n) and an epitaxial layer
The distortion under specific conditions leads to increasing of sharpness of p-n- junction and homogeneity of dopant distribution in enriched by the dopant area
One of actual questions of manufacturing of integrated circuits is decreasing of dimensions of their elements. Another way to decrease the dimensions is refinement of existing technological processes [6,7,8,9] It has been recently introduced an approach to manufacture diffusive- and implanted-junction rectifiers in a heterostructure [10,11,12,13]. The approach with account optimization of annealing of dopant and/or radiation defects gives us possibility to decrease dimensions of elements of integrated circuits. In this situation dislocations of discrepancy could be generated, when large difference of lattice spacings are exist Another defect of heterostructure is inaccurate external surface of the heterostructure. Main aim of the present paper is analysis of influence of one type of defects (losing of atoms of dopants to generation of different complexes) on both sharpness of p-n-junction, which manufactured in the heterostructure, and homogeneity of dopant distribution in enriched by the dopant Main aim of the present paper is analysis of influence of one type of defects (losing of atoms of dopants to generation of different complexes) on both sharpness of p-n-junction, which manufactured in the heterostructure in Fig. 1, and homogeneity of dopant distribution in enriched by the dopant
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