
The problem of preserving and increasing soil fertility is becoming increasingly important due to the sharp deterioration of their condition, increasing degradation. The further development of agriculture in the republic is determined by the improvement of its structure, the wider use of innovative resource-saving technologies and integrated reclamation systems. Purpose – the article deals with the use of agricultural land, taking into account irrigation systems in the Turkestan region. Methods – statistical processing to obtain quantitative and effective indicators, as well as comparative analysis and synthesis, a systematic approach. Results – obtaining the main indicators made it possible to carry out calculations to determine technical and economic indicators that identify the strengths and weaknesses of the development of agroindustrial complex, which will make it possible in the future to develop a forecast for creation of investment projects in the sectors of agriculture of Kazakhstan. The distribution of the land fund of the region by land categories is shown, the analysis of composition of agricultural lands by types, their division into reclamation groups is given. The authors note that the potential for intensifying the branches of domestic agro-industrial complex may be the restoration of irrigated areas with reconstruction of reclamation facilities. With the rational use of land and correct implementation of work aimed at improving their quality, taking into account regional characteristics, technical level and efficiency of irrigation devices, productivity of agricultural land will increase. Conclusions – the features of land reclamation and unsettled areas imply a purposeful social production activity, which objective is to provide a variety of natural resources and a favorable environment. Land reclamation is an important factor in intensification of agricultural production, opening up wide reserves for in creasing productivity and creating a solid fodder base for livestock breeding. A digital platform for reclamation water management system should be developed. As a result, there will be a signi ficant increase in the effectiveness of field crop production.

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