
Goal – the article examines the process of outflow of highly qualified specialists from rural areas, its reasons, since this trend is relevant for the Republic of Kazakhstan and the world community. Methods – retrospective analysis, demographic and economic statistics, index, graphic, comparisons and generalizations. Results – the main directions of Kazakhstan’s migration policy are considered. The authors analyzed data on the number and share of the urban and rural population in the republic, based on statistics. The balance of interregional migration is presented, since demographic and economic results affect the economy regardless of its level of development. Conclusions – attention is focused on the process of urbanization in the context of globalization, which negatively affects the number of rural residents. Internal migration is interconnected with international migration, the possibility of moving to other states. Currently, migration processes in the country have undergone changes, due to the transformation of values and migration factors, which represent specific results of the current stage of socio-economic and political development of Kazakhstan, which is confirmed by analytical information from 2013 to 2023. Government measures, reflected in resettlement programs, are aimed at stimulating national economy, quantitative transformations of the ethnic composition in the receiving areas, as well as modifications in the structure of labor market. Current issues of labor migration: labor shortage, natural and migration population decline. Tracking these indicators is difficult due to the unorganized labor market, labor intensity of this work and the need for significant financial resources.

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