
After the declaration of COVID-19 as a national pandemic, government policy, as stated in the Presidential Regulation of the Republic of Indonesia Number 63 of 2017 concerning the Distribution of Non-Cash Social Assistance, states that the government is obliged to tackle poverty in any way by policy measures, one of which is through fulfilling basic needs through social assistance. Bandungrejosari Village, Sukun District, Malang City, is one of the villages that has received social assistance. However, distribution to beneficiary families (KPM) still needed to be evenly distributed based on field findings during the research, including several obstacles in data verification and recipients who were not on target. This research aims to describe and analyze policy implementation, supporting factors and obstacles to implementing the Regional Non-Cash Food Assistance (BPNTD) policy in Bandungrejosari Village, Sukun District, Malang City. The type of research used is a qualitative descriptive approach. According to Miles and Huberman, the data analysis technique uses an interactive analysis technique model with stages of data collection, data condensation, data presentation and conclusions. This research was conducted in the Bandungrejosari Village, Sukun District, Malang City. The results of this research regarding the implementation of the BPNTD policy in Bandungrejosari subdistrict, Sukun sub-district, Malang city are still uneven because there are still many poor and underprivileged people who have not received BPNTD social assistance from the total number of poor people based on data on the number of poor people in Bandungrejosari subdistrict.

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