
OZET : Bu arastirmada Igdir Ovasi tuzlu-sodyumlu topraklarinin bazi fiziksel ve kimyasal ozelliklerin agregasyon uzerine etkileri incelenmistir, Igdir ovasini temsilen 30 adet yuzey topragi (0-30 cm) alinmis ve arastirma materyali olarak degerlendirilmistir. Arastirma topraklarinda agregasyonla; kil, porozite, elekriksel iletkenlik (EC), katyon degistirme kapasitesi (KDK) ve degesibelir (Ca++ + Mg++) arasinda onemli pozitif iliskiler, silt ve kirec ile onemsiz negatif iliskiler, hacim agirligt ile onemli negatif iliski, organik madde ile onemsiz pozitif iliski, degisebilir Na+ ve K+ ile onemsiz negatif iliskiler elde edilmistir. EFFECTS OF SOME PHYSICAL AND CHEMiCAL PROPERTiES OF SALiNE-SODiC SOILS OF IĞDiR PLAiN ON THEiR AGGREGATiON SUMMARY : This research has been conducted to determine effects of some physical and chemical properues of Igdtr Plain saline-sodic soils on their aggregation. For this purpose, 30 samples vvere collectedfrom the soil surface (0-30 cm) in the salty lands representing Igdir Plain, and were used as research material. According to the results; a significantpositive relationship was fousid between aggregation and clay, porosity, electrical conductivity, cation exchange capacity and exchangeable calcium and magnesium, a slight negat'ive relationship was obtained between aggregation and sut, lime, a significant negative relationship was obtained between aggregation and volum density, a slight positive relationship was obtained between aggregation and organic matter, a slight negative relationship was found between aggregation and exchangeable sodium and exchangeable potassium

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