
This research is motivated because the motivation of learners to read is very lacking, most of the learners go to the library because they are lazy to learn and just to take off, or sleep. The problem limitation of this study is (a) library service in SMK Adzkia Padang (b) reading interest of learners in SMK Adzkia Padang (c) the relation of library services to the interest of reading learners in SMK Adzkia Padang. This research aims to find out a positive relation between library services to the reading interests of learners in Smk Adzkia Padang. The hypothesis proposed is that there is a positive relationship of library services to the reading interest of learners in SMK Adzkia Padang. In this study there are two variables, namely free variables (library services) and bound variables (reading interest of learners). This research is field research using a quantitative approach. This research method uses correlational methods. The population in this study was 68 learners and the sample number of 68 learners was taken using total sampling techniques. Research instruments use 2 (two) questionnaires, namely qustionnaire about library service and reading interest of learners. The data is processed using the Statistical Product and Service Solution (SPSS) Program version 20.00, and analyzed using the formula Product Moment Correlation Coeffisien Karl Pearson. The results showed that from pearson correlation results at rxy =0.585 greater than r tabell for 1 % = 0.325 and 5% = 0.250, thus Ha accepted and H0 rejected, meaning there isa positive connecting between library services and the reading interest of learners in Smk Adzkia Padang. And from the results of Pearson Correlation at calculated r = 0.585 can see the level of the relationship in the classification of correlation numbers, 0,585 located between 0.40 to 0.599 with the level of corelation.

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