
The tendency of comprehensive digitalization with the active use of information technologies is currently a necessary component of marketing policy for the effective promotion of goods and services. The volume and properties of information arrays primarily influence the process of forming a relevant marketing strategy. The purpose of the academic paper is to study the role of modern information systems with the use of digitalization potential in optimizing marketing strategies for the formation of competitiveness and effective promotion of goods and services. The study was conducted using general scientific methods, namely: logical, structural and functional analysis, theoretical modeling, induction, deduction, specification, generalization and abstraction, tabular and graphical interpretation of theoretical information. In the course of the research, the main aspects of the formation of the enterprise’s marketing strategy under the influence of the trend of developing Internet marketing have been investigated. The structure of digitalized marketing and the fundamentals of information systems in the overall business strategy have been analyzed. The specifics of modern information systems and their promising areas of involvement in marketing processes have been considered. The potential of marketing in the hypermedia environment has been substantiated. The necessity of introducing digital technologies in the process of forming and improving the marketing strategy has been identified. Typical algorithms for searching, collecting, accumulating, classifying and processing marketing information for the effective promotion of goods and services have been highlighted. Directions for improving marketing activities based on the potential of modern information systems have been proposed, and the expedient tools for Internet marketing in the context of market dynamics have been specified. The practical significance of the research results lies in the possibility of their application in order to optimize the activities of market participants, which will result in the stable development of the company and the formation of competitive advantages in the promotion of goods and services.

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