
This paper examines the concept of globalization, its history, instruments and problems for the African continent. While identifying it as one of the recent developments currently changing the physiognomy of global politics, it specifically focuses on its challenges, consequences and implications for Africa particularly, in the realm of equality of players, requisite input into the policy process and, the encapsulating assertiveness of the global village. In the process, it was argued and revealed that, globalization is the final conquest of capital, over the rest of the world and that its “antecedents” and “uneven development thesis” are explainable within the context the one-arm banditry and ethos of capitalism. Furthermore, it was argued that this will continue to be so, irrespective of its aim at the transcendental homogenization of political and socio-economic structure of the globe and its purported benefits to mankind. The central thesis of our study is that the asymmetry of power and interests of the member states of the global village, as well as the lopsidedness in the rules of the game therein cannot benefit Africa and her people. This is so and would continue to be so because globalization is a new order of marginalization and recolonisation in a “neo-neo-colonial fashion”, of the African continent. We equally argued that its elevation into a position of ‘Absolute Truth” without any credible alternative is a. disastrous entrapment for Africa from which the latter must free itself through a genuine and committed political, cultural, sociological and economic realignment and restructuring that is truly African in nature, if it hopes to survive the challenges of the twenty-first century.

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