
The article is devoted to the issues of the global Internet system as a means of intercultural communication, definition of the general concept of web-mediated communication, its functions, features and types in the modern world, which have introduced new forms of dialogue and interaction into socium. Having stepped across national borders and uniting the world’s information resources into a single system, the Internet has become a means of intercultural communication with its own specific genres, defined conditions and factors of communication derived from technological multilinear communication means. Currently, online platforms represent a major means for communities to communicate globally, provide news coverage, exchange ideas, share data and knowledge, study and have fun. In this context, the research of web-mediated communication, its genre characteristics and peculiar features is of utmost relevance, as cultural practice and dialogue between diverse cultures are essential tools in promoting mutual understanding, intercultural learning and exchange. Since there are multiple approaches to defining genres of web-mediated communication, the focus of the article was on revealing their peculiar features and affect on intercultural communication. It is shown that genres in web-mediated communication are based on the technological factor, with their characteristic features being increased complexity and multi-dimensionality, creolization, responsiveness and interactivity as well as enormous user outreach, relevance, accessibility, autonomy and hypertextuality.

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