
The article examines the processes of renaming the names of streets, lanes, boulevards, and parks in the city of Ternopil in 2022. The changes and ordering of the names were caused by sociolinguistic and ecolinguistic needs and aimed at removing from the modern urbanonomicon names that were of Soviet or Russian origin, did not meet language norms, or needed to be standardized. Modern linguistic trends (sociolinguistics and ecolinguistics) in the toponymicon of Ukraine analyze linguistic violations by the state authorities in the process of naming, help to normalize and improve the sphere of naming, etc. The analyzed renamings are part of the second wave of name changes and took place against the backdrop of russia's full-scale invasion of Ukraine. The events of early 2022 have accelerated the processes of de-Sovietization and de-Russification, or completed them in the territories where these processes began in the late twentieth century. The principles of renaming and the names that, while conveying communist and Russian realities, did not correspond to the onomastic tradition of the Ukrainian nation are identified. The names in the urbanonomicon of Ternopil that required normalization in order to bring them in line with reliable historical facts are identified. The principles of ordering the names and developing common criteria for naming the streets of Ternopil are indicated. The prospects for development are outlined and the need for further changes in the modern urban onomasticon of the city is indicated, and the names that still need to be renamed for the development of a “healthy” Ukrainian onomasticon on the basis of the original traditional principles of Ukrainian proper noun nomination are identified.

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