
The article reveals the modern goal of learning a foreign language in a globalized, multicultural society. It is not just mastering the communicative skills of language activities in a foreign language, but the development of readiness and ability of the student’s personality to interact with representatives of the international community, using a foreign language as a means of communication. The research substantiates the need to make adjustments to the organization of the process of learning a foreign language in higher technical school and development of new effective educational technologies, taking into account the full range of factors of modern sociocultural and educational situation and based on synergies of language personality, language and environment. The main part is devoted to the description of the tandem method and its didactic potential during foreign language teaching as a means of intercultural communication. It was found that the tandem method in teaching foreign languages ​​and cultures is a method of teaching, which is based on independent (autonomous) mastery of a foreign language and culture by two partners with different native languages, working in pairs. The article proves that the tandem method as an aid in learning a foreign language in technical institutions of higher education also effectively affects the learning process, as it contributes to the effective formation of foreign language intercultural competence of future technical professionals. The purpose of the tandem method is to master the native language of your partner in a situation of real or virtual communication, acquaintance with his personality, culture of the country of the language being studied, as well as obtaining information in professionally important areas of knowledge. The research identifies the characteristics of the tandem method in the process of its application in foreign language learning, namely: the presence of socio-individual character, asymmetry in relations between partners, interchangeability of roles, activation of the natural mechanism of motivation, strengthening the internal motivation of participants. The purpose of formation of intercultural competence of future specialists. The principle of tandem breaks the stereotype that the learning process is a mechanical process of knowledge transfer, which is possible only with the participation of a professional teacher. It is important that the tandem method allows you to enjoy intercultural communication. It is proved that the educational tandem method in the formation of intercultural competence of students is an innovative tool for transforming the teacher, which contributes to the creation of favorable organizational and methodological conditions in which students are involved in active cognitive-discursive activities.

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