
Aloe vera contains vitamins A, C, amino acids, Cu, Inositol, enzymes, minerals that can help reduce hair loss and strengthen hair roots. While celery contains sodium, vitamins A and B, calcium and iron which have the potential to nourish hair, black hair, and prevent hair loss. To prove that the combination of aloe vera extract (Aloe vera L.) and celery extract (Apium graviolens L.) can be formulated in hair tonic preparations, and determine the formula that best meets the stability requirements of the 1 month observation. This study is an experimental study by formulating and testing the stability of hair tonic preparations. The results of the viscosity and specific gravity tests were analyzed using ANOVA with software version 22. Organoleptic hair tonic combination of aloe vera and celery extract in the form of a solution with a characteristic aromatic odor, greenish brown color, has a pH of 4, and is homogeneous. The specific gravity of formulas 1, 2 and 3, respectively, is 0.99553 g / ml; 1.00114 g / ml 1.00661 g / ml. The viscosity of formulas 1, 2 and 3, respectively, is 3.96407 cPs; 6,77595 cPs; 11.16378 cPs. ANOVA test shows a significance value (<0.001) <(0.05) so that there are differences in viscosity and specific gravity between formulations. The combination of aloe vera and celery extract can be formulated into a hair tonic and the formula that best meets the stability requirements is formula 1 with a concentration of 15% propylenglycol.

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