
In the article on the base of the methodological requirements of scientific approaches (personal and social, which harmonizes the interests of a person, society and its institutions; culturological, which helps to develop the content of civil education of Ukrainian youth in accordance with specific historical tasks relevant at certain stages of development of the Ukrainian state, democratic and state-building processes of today, the formation of civil society based on the needs of national revival, providing of tolerance between different ethnic groups, multiculturalism; activity-orientated, according to which young people develop skills of social activity, civil and patriotic values tested in practice; axiological, providing an understanding of holistic, multilevel, hierarchical, interdependent and interconditioned process of civil education in the constant development of the system of universal personal and social values; competence, which integrates civil and law knowledge, abilities, skills and experience of civil and political activity with national and patriotic values and attitudes to the conscious observance of law and order in the country), the results of the analysis of research materials on the problem of civic education of Ukrainian youth in higher educational institutions there is clarified the place (as an aspect of political consciousness and legal culture of the personality) and the role (as a regulator of patriotic feelings, spiritual and moral values and civic and political activities of young person) of the civil position of the personality in the context of modern European integration changes in the requirements of competence, tolerance, multiculturalism, intensification of phenomena of mobility and integration of educational programs. Factors of formation and development of civil position of a young person in the educational environment are: circumstances of building and protecting of civil society in the country, the influence of family, media, upbringing activities of higher educational institutions, own activity of youth. Its result are the formed qualities of responsibility, legal consciousness, civil competence. It is concluded that the process of forming an active civil position of young people consists of important components. From the psychological point of view, the upbringing of a citizen and the formation of his or her active civil position is a holistic improvement of the inner world of a person; from the axiological point of view the attention is focused on revealing the content of spiritual values, to determine their role and place in the life and activity of a modern young person, to identify possible ways of their practical use. From pedagogical point of view the solution of these issues must be implemented so that the knowledge, skills and abilities of civil content proposed to youth were deeply perceived by them, found an appropriate understanding, received personal approval and consolidation at the level of feelings, motives, value orientations, concepts, views, beliefs.

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