
An essential prerequisite for the success of students' independent work with textbooks should be considered their sufficient awareness of the existence of textbooks. It is unacceptable to hope that the student himself is orientated in this. Therefore, in the introductory lessons, each teacher should familiarize students with the school's books and drawings in the school library with textbooks, give them an exhaustive description, pay attention to the advantages and disadvantages of each of them.Experience shows that, having such knowledge, students experience difficulties working with the content of the manual in the drawing. The educational literature in the drawing reflects the peculiarities of technical knowledge, and the formation of the ability to obtain knowledge from it without these features is impossible. The reason for this, in our opinion, is that the material of any tutorial in the drawing is rather heterogeneous. Therefore, the usual drawing up of a plan, abstract or abstract will not help to realize it. It is for this reason that the need arises to take into account when developing the skills of independent work with educational material from the drawing, the nature and specificity of those concepts that are present in the training manual of the drawing.The ability to independently work with the text is actually a complex skill, which is based on a variety of perception and thinking operations. The analysis of the content of the manual in the drawing shows that it has a rather complex structure (theoretical information, alternating with normative materials, technical and technological information), includes a heterogeneous purposeful material informative and descriptive. Acquiring such educational material requires abstract, figurative and visual-action thinking, the ability to imagine in the dynamics of specific graphic actions or transformations.One of the important and complex tasks that students have to do in the process of mastering the contents of the school curriculum of the drawing, is the use of knowledge from various fields of knowledge: materials science, technology of processing structural materials, the basis of standardization and technical measurements, machine parts, etc. For independent work with the theoretical material of the manual, the drawing requires skills that make it possible without the help of the teacher to understand and remember the unknown material previously.First of all there is a need to teach students to use the book orientation apparatus, that is, to understand its structure - content (titles of sections, paragraphs, etc.).An important place in the study to independently elaborate the theoretical material of the textbook, we devote to the formation of the ability to answer the questions asked, because it is well known that emotional and cognitive attitude to learning occurs when it is organized as a search for the answer to the question.


  • An essential prerequisite for the success of students' independent work with textbooks should be considered their sufficient awareness of the existence of textbooks

  • The usual drawing up of a plan, abstract or abstract will not help to realize it. It is for this reason that the need arises to take into account when developing the skills of independent work with educational material from the drawing, the nature and specificity of those concepts that are present in the training manual of the drawing

  • The analysis of the content of the manual in the drawing shows that it has a rather complex structure, includes a heterogeneous purposeful material informative and descriptive. Acquiring such educational material requires abstract, figurative and visual-action thinking, the ability to imagine in the dynamics of specific graphic actions or transformations

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An essential prerequisite for the success of students' independent work with textbooks should be considered their sufficient awareness of the existence of textbooks. Повноцінне засвоєння змісту курсу креслення вимагає самостійного поглиблення та розширення знань, набутих на занятті у процесі викладу навчального матеріалу викладачем. Що процес графічної підготовки учнів повинен включати їх самостійну навчально-пізнавальну діяльність шляхом цілеспрямованого самостійного засвоєння навчального матеріалу.

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