
 The article analyzes the problem of the formation of modern academic integrity as the basis of the professional competence of future professionals. The modern academic paradigm of integrity and its main characteristics are formulated in general features. The values of academic integrity, which are fundamental to science and education, are characterized: honesty, trust, justice, respect, responsibility, and courage. The level of students' understanding of the problem of academic integrity was studied. The awareness about the concept of "academic integrity", about Article 42 of the Law of Ukraine "On education", about sources of information on the concept, and the need of respondents to deepen knowledge of academic integrity by students of different years of study is examined. Types of violations of academic integrity and peculiarities of their distribution by years of study are discovered. The reasons for the manifestation of write-offs as a type of dishonest practice in learning are characterized (uncertainty in knowledge; search for easy ways and reluctance to study; laziness; lack of time; insufficient knowledge acquisition in the educational process; large information load during training). The consequences of violations of academic integrity in educational activities, which students predict, are highlighted: expulsions from the university; low level of qualifications of specialists; reducing the quality of knowledge and education in general; re-passing an assessment or training course; lack of desire to learn and gain knowledge. Ways to solve the problem of academic dishonesty that students distinguish are identified: dissemination information on academic integrity and its implications; preventive talks with students, strengthening motivation to obtain high-quality knowledge; attraction to academic responsibility; fair treatment tp students; strengthening students' self-esteem.

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