
This article is devoted to the study of dialectal names of fishing realities relating to the names of other realities of industrial and economic activity, which attract attention not only by the similarity of sound form and their predicted proto basis, but also by the external similarity of these objects, motivated, according to our conclusions, archetypal images of animals: bull, horse (mare), goat, etc. (mare), goat (goat), etc. It is also concluded that in Ukrainian dialect exist changes in the sound structure of the names of fishing gear with a prismatic or pyramidal structure of the frame (similar to the body of an ungulate), related to the partial convergence of different etymologies of the All-Slavic era. For the name regel (regel, rugel, rukel, rogel, drigola, etc.), there was a convergence of the following etymons: Proto-Slavic *rog ˃ horn: a) the motivating factor «the frame of a fishing gear with crossed rods, resembling an animal with horns»; b) the motivating factor «formed by connecting two sticks angles in the design of fishing gear» – a horn in the output meaning; c) motivating factor «a wooden stick (horn) split at the end as an important element of the construction of a pyramidal fishing gear with a handle»; Proto-Slavic *drygati – jerk, pull out: a) the motivational factor is «immediate pulling out» the tackle with fish out of the water; b) the motivational factor «shaking, convulsions of the caught fish and hence the shaking of the tackle». The metaphorical transfer based on the image of a horned animal is most clearly traced in the name of the fishing tool regga, which exists in the area of Ukrainian-Belarusian Polissia and in the aspect of Balto-Slavic linguistic contacts is associated with such a reality as horns, and in the Ukrainian dialect continuum is associated with the name of an ox or a bull. A significant number of phonetic and word-forming variants of this word testify to its antiquity. According to our research, the most resistant to changes in the sound structure were the name of the fishing gear prismatic (sometimes pyramidal) shape of the mare ˂ proto-Slavic *kobyla. The durability and stability of this name should be determined in the development of the symbolism of the horse (mare's head) as a compositional element of the decoration of the roof of a house – a well-known structure that occupies an important place in a number of industrial and economic tools of prismatic shape.

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