
Goal. The article is devoted to the generalization of the peculiarities of the functioning of public-private partnership in Ukraine and some foreign countries and the development of the financial mechanism of public-private partnership in the postwar reconstruction of Ukraine. Method. Taking into account the specifics of the study, a systematic approach and a method of comparative analysis were used, an assessment of the losses of Ukraine's economy caused by Russian military aggression was presented, and the structure of this mechanism was formed. Results. The pragmatics of the functioning of this financial mechanism in Ukraine and in some foreign countries is analyzed by comparing features and differences. The significant amounts of funding for public-private partnership projects in foreign countries and in Ukraine were emphasized and it was determined that structural grants and grants of the Cohesion Fund were the main source of funding for projects in EU countries. It is also a well-established practice in foreign countries to finance long-term large-scale projects. The importance of coordinators of public-private partnership processes in Ukraine, in particular, line ministries, analytical agencies and public organizations that promote the implementation of quality projects in Ukraine in various fields. Scientific novelty. Using a systematic approach, based on the work of domestic scientists and taking into account the specifics of Ukraine's economy in martial law, a diagram of the structure of the financial mechanism of PPP in the postwar reconstruction of Ukraine. Practical significance. The proposed structure of this financial mechanism should be used in the formation of national, regional and local, in particular at the level of the territorial community economic recovery programs. Promising objects of PPP at the level of territorial communities can be both economic and social projects, given the level of destruction of housing and other social infrastructure. Among the economic ones, the construction of food establishments, small enterprises for processing crop and livestock products, production of household items is relevant, and among the social ones - housing projects, park areas and recreational facilities; objects of historical and architectural heritage; provision of social services, management of a social institution, institution, etc.

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