
Goal. To analyze the Law of Ukraine dated 15 June 2021 No. 1539-IX "On Amending the Tax Code of Ukraine to Stimulate the De-Shadowing of Incomes and Enhancing the Tax Culture of Citizens Through Introduction of Voluntary Declaration by Individuals of Assets Belonging to them and Payment of One-Time Dues to the Budget" [14] and the results of the "declaration of assets" carried out from 1 September 2021 to 1 March 2023. Methodology. To achieve the desired goal, the author used the methods of analysis (isolation of individual parts of the object of research), synthesis (combination of various elements into a single one), comparison (identification of similarities and differences), problem solving (posing difficult questions and finding answers to them), objectivity (impartiality in the selection and analysis of various sources), generalization (highlighting of common characteristics and features). The results. The study established that the "one-time (special) voluntary declaration" combines features of "tax amnesty", "capital amnesty" and "zero declaration". The law itself, in some of its parts, is imperfect and contains norms that violate the principles of equality and social justice. Only 845 people used the right to submit a declaration while the law was in effect. The scientific novelty consists of the analysis of de-shadowing of incomes and replenishment of the state budget (only about 1.5% of the expected revenues were received). At the same time, the author is convinced that there is no need to talk about a "complete failure of declaration". After all, the law is written in such a way that although the majority of citizens did not submit a special declaration, the "composition and volume of assets" as of 1 March 2023 has already been declared, regardless of whether they were acquired with violations or not - in fact, Ukraine implemented "zero declaration" for all citizens. "Zero declaration" sooner or later will become a kind of reference point and in the future will be taken into account by tax authorities during financial monitoring, which should result in taxation of expenses that exceed official income and, possibly, the appearance of misunderstandings between taxpayers and tax authorities. Practical significance. The research contributes to the identification of taxation problems, individual results and conclusions that can be used in the process of further reforming tax legislation and conducting fiscal policy.

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