
The appearance of ferromagnetism in (Sc 0.85Ca 0.15)Co 2 Laves phase synthesized under high pressure of 6 GPa was confirmed. A magnetically homogeneous state was achieved by applying pressure of 6 GPa in 1373 K for 48 h. This is the first study that confirmed a stable ferromagnetic state in exchange-enhanced Pauli paramagnet ScCo 2-based compound system. The quantities of pressure P and magnetization M dependence of the Curie temperature T C, dln T C/d P and (dln T C/d P)/(dln M/d P) = dln T C/dln M for (Sc 0.85Ca 0.15)Co 2 are smaller than those for Lu(Co 1 − x Al x ) 2 compounds, and accordingly the magnetic moment of (Sc 0.85Ca 0.15)Co 2 is stiffer against pressure. The ratio of the spin wave stiffness constant D s to T C, D s/ T C, in (Sc 0.85Ca 0.15)Co 2 is smaller than that of Lu(Co 1 − x Al x ) 2, implying that the spin wave in (Sc 0.85Ca 0.15)Co 2 spread over wider wavevector space.

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