
Essence and content of the activity of the infrastructure enterprise of water transport were investigated in the article; the mission and purpose of the activity of the infrastructure enterprise were formed. The indicators of the activity of Branch Dredging Fleet of the State Enterprise Ukrainian Sea Ports Administration (USPA) were analyzed, taking into account the specifics of the construction of the USPA management structure. The principles of forming a strategy for the development of an infrastructure enterprise were defined and the Complex Integrative Strategy for the Development of the Branch Dredging Fleet was proposed, with a division of the proposed measures according to the terms of implementation. The purpose of the work is to substantiate the prospective strategy of the development of the infrastructure enterprise of water transport. Method. During the writing of the article, the following methods were used: abstraction, logical, systematization and grouping were used to generalize theoretical approaches and define the essence of the concept of "strategy", "essential features of the activity of an infrastructure enterprise", "principles of strategy formation", "features infrastructure enterprise development strategies" etc.; methods of economic analysis as comparison, index were used to characterize the performance indicators of the base enterprise; tabular, graphic were used for the purpose of visual presentation of research results, methods of statistical and comparative analysis were used for study, grouping; comparison – for evaluation and interpretation of actual data on the results and efficiency of the operation of the Branch Dredging Fleet; strategic analysis were used for the formation of the strategy of the economic activity of the enterprise in the current conditions of activity. The result of the study is the formed Strategy of the complex integrative development of the Branch Dredging Fleet and the proposed measures that are part of the Strategy. The scientific novelty of the obtained results lies in the formation of the Strategy of Complex Integrated Development of the USPA Branch Dredging Fleet as well in the formation of the principles of the development strategy of the infrastructure enterprise of water transport, according to which the content of the Strategy of Complex Integrated Development is determined. A list of measures of a strategic nature, which can be the content of the enterprise's activities within the framework of the implementation of the Strategy of Complex Integrative Development, is proposed. The content and sequence of these measures are disclosed. The practical significance of the obtained results consists in the possibility of applying the research results in the activities of transport infrastructure enterprises.

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