
The article is devoted to the study of procedures for the formation of assessment tools in the training of departmental specialists implementing the functions of planning, implementation and control of organizational systems of higher and additional education, aimed at improving the mechanisms for forming information security policies and assessing the effectiveness of systems, tools and measures taken for informatization objects devoted to various levels of the hierarchy . The problematic issues being studied are related to the development of the theoretical foundations of management in organizational systems, methods and algorithms for solving management problems, including information and software. The results of scientific research, applied scientific research and qualification work for forming educational and methodological support for educational organizations and funds of assessment tools in the field of information security are analyzed, taking into account the features of competency models for the training of departmental specialists. The mechanisms and detailed procedures for the formation of assessment tools, focused on promising technologies for ensuring compliance of knowledge, motivational attitudes and skills with the competencies of a specialist in the field of information security, are generalized. Conceptual models of the competency modeling in object-oriented programming paradigms, new mathematical models for managing individual educational trajectories and designing competency-oriented tasks for assessing the development of competencies are proposed.

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