
The trend of Human Immunodeficiency Virus/Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (HIV/AIDS) prevalence in Indonesia has increased significantly. This study was aimed to develop family empowerment model based on belief and analyze the effects of health-related quality of life (HRQL) in patients infected by HIV/AIDS. Mixed methods design with the first stage using quantitative research with cross sectional approach. A total 135 respondents with HIV/AIDS were determined from purposive sampling. For developing the model, we conducted focus group and expert discussion to make the model and the intervention tool for the second stage. We analyzed the collected data using Structural Equation Model Partial Least Squares (SEM-PLS) test. The outer loading value measured the sub-variable validity value of its latent variable, where the outer loading is valid if the value is >0.4. Based on the research results, nine indicators were invalid (outer loading value = 0.4), and the indicator must be removed from the model. Evaluation of inner models was used to test the research hypotheses. The research hypothesis can be accepted if the value of T count >T table. The health services, patient factors, family factors and empowerment have a significant influence between some of these factors on HQRL (T >1.96). The development of a family empowerment model based on belief has a good effect in healthrelated quality of life among women with HIV/AIDS. From the developed model, it be seen that HRQL is related to health services, patient factors, family factors and empowerment. © Advanced Scientific Research. All rights reserved.

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