
The article comparatively reveals the interdependence of the following religious-political organizations’ activities, directions, ideas, in particular, “Shabab Muhammad”, “al-Takfir wal-hijra”, “al-Jamaat al-islamiyya”, “al-Jihad” formed under the influence of “Muslim Brotherhood” in Egypt, and “Hizb at-tahrir al-islami” whose activity was observed in the Central Asian region, in particular in Uzbekistan. It shows that the “Muslim Brotherhood” was active not only in Egypt, but also in other countries as part of groups related to the same name or associations that correspond to their direction, but with different names. The article also analyzes the fact that the structure of the Muslim Brotherhood has become a unique model for modern terrorist organizations. It was also stated that the “Muslim Brotherhood” movement served as a basis for the emergence of extremist and terrorist organizations in countries such as Algeria, Sudan, Syria, Kuwait, Lebanon, Tunisia, Jordan, Libya, and Pakistan.

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