
IIn the introduction, it is stated that Sakkaki's work “Miftah al-Ulum” played an important role in the development of tafsir studies, that most of the commentaries of “al-Kashshaf” began to be written after the in-depth study of this work, and this can be seen in the hashiyas written by Taftazani and Jurjani on “al-Kashshaf”. At the same time, it is substantiated that Zamakhshari's level was high in Jurjani's eyes, and the scholar revealed Zamakhshari's style of interpretation in his essay to “al-Kashshaf”. Jurjani explained the difficult to understand passages of Zamakhshari's tafsir and clarified the author's purpose, the rules of language and rhetoric used by him. In “Hashiya ala al-Kashshaf”, Jurjani attaches great importance to language rules, vocabulary and directions of i’rab. He explains words according to usage and grammar rules. He even gives evidence for this from Arabic poetry. He also discusses issues related to Aqidah and the concept of Islam. He comments on the details of recitations and the science of Tajweed and criticizes the author of “al-Kashshaf” in some places. Jurjani explained some of the sentences used by the author of "al-Kashshaf" through his other works. For example, Zamakhshari's works such as “al-Faiq”, “al-Mufassal”, “Asas al-balagha” were used as sources. In the conclusion, it is noted that “Hashiyah ‘ala al-Kashshaf” is one of the important sources that reflects the tradition of vocabulary and language rules typical of other exegetical works written in Mawarannahr, and has been studied among Sunni tafsirs for centuries.

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