
Introduction. Analysis of Ukraine’s foreign trade shows that the country was in fact under the influence of Russia until 2014 (at that time the third largest trading partner). The armed conflict also occurred because Ukraine signed an Association Agreement with the EU, consolidating the country’s intentions to develop in the European Union and gradually reduce its economic dependence on Russia. Problem. In the conditions of hybrid dangers and martial law, the problem of identifying threats and applied tools to strengthen the economic security of the state, trade as its component became relevant. The aim of the study is to determine the factors influencing the external environment on the economic security of trade in Ukraine. Methods. The research was conducted using the methods of theoretical generalization, analysis and synthesis. Results. The economic interests of Ukraine in the current conditions of martial law, the main directions of their implementation are determined. The set of external factors influencing the economic security of enterprises is divided into three groups. Changes in Ukraine’s place in various rankings are shown, which demonstrates the impact of changes (or lack thereof) on the state of affairs in the country. Conclusions. Factors of the most negative impact on the country’s economy, including inter­national trade, are the war with Russia, corruption, the shadow economy.

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