
The study has analyzed a set of sources of foreign experience in pharmacy specialist training. It has been determined that employees of the pharmaceutical industry must have management and organizational skills to manage personnel and production, the sale of medicinal products in a broad sense of this concept and depending on the specifics of the industry. American scientists pay special attention to the formation of compassion and the ability to maximize patient safety in pharmacists (E. Scott); focus attention on the need for moral education in pharmaceutical educational institutions (D. Latif); develop cultural qualities of pharmaceutical workers as the ability to service-oriented partnership while considering the development of communicative qualities, tact, benevolence towards the customers of the pharmacy as crucial (D. Rodiz). Practicing teachers in the USA supported the position regarding the formation of professional culture and its deontological component in the process of teaching the disciplines «Pharmaceutical law and ethics», «Personal care and elementary medicine», «Pharmaceutical management», etc. It has been found that the existing educational programs of pharmaceutical faculties in the USA are deeply oriented towards mastering organizational and administrative skills by future specialists; it enables rapid retraining and response to dynamic changes in market conditions. Emphasis is placed on the need for additional graduate education preceded by formal degree programs for American pharmaceutical managers.
 It has been established that in the curriculum of pharmacy specialists in the USA, there are the following disciplines: pharmaceutical management, ethics of pharmaceutical activity, interpersonal communications of healthcare professionals, pharmaceutical legislation, and economics. While mastering the specialty of professional practical management (Professional Practice Management), pharmacy specialists study financial management, pharmacoeconomics, cost containment strategies, labor resource management, and the choice of specialization in one of the directions of pharmaceutical management (public pharmacy, entrepreneurship, drug production research, pharmaceutical supply management). It gives reason to conclude attention to the formation of the pharmacists' organizational and management culture. From the perspective of research activity on the issue, the specification of the theoretical foundations and detailing methodological aspects of the American experience implementation of training specialists are outlined.

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