
Aim. To demonstrate the best practices of the Social Pharmacy Department at the National University of Pharmacy in substantiating current trends in the development and application of modern pedagogical technologies in order to improve the quality of teaching the discipline “Pharmaceutical law and legislation”.Materials and methods. The research was conducted based on the results of summarizing original methodological developments, the experience of holding the contest in the discipline “Pharmaceutical law and legislation” in 2019 and 2020, the materials of the student’s essay competition on the topic “Knowledge of law is the requirement of our time”, which was attended by 45 students, as well as the results of an analysis of scientific and educational literature, regulations of Ukraine. The data obtained are presented using the methods of analysis, synthesis, generalization, system, formal-logical, comparative-legal, and interpretation of the legal norm.Results. It has been found that the implementation of modern pedagogical technologies using case studies, problem-based, content analysis of legal norms (grammatical, systematic, historical, and comparative interpretation) contributes to improving the quality of the students’ assimilation of the program material of the discipline “Pharmaceutical law and legislation”. It has been substantiated that the case study method is inextricably linked with other interactive methods, such as problem-solving, discussion, brainstorming, and so on. The methods used for the students’ understanding of the content of legal norms are presented. The own pedagogical developments on the application of each of these methods are given.Conclusions. It has been proven that the use of the case-based and problem-based methods in classes on the discipline “Pharmaceutical law and legislation” contributes to the development of professional analytical thinking, development of skills for solving practical situations. It has been substantiated that cases-studies, case-exercises, case-situations can be used by the criterion of the situation. It has been found that the problem method can be implemented during lectures, seminars, and practical classes, as well as for the self-study work of students.


  • The research was conducted based on the results of summarizing original methodological developments, the experience of holding the contest in the discipline “Pharmaceutical law and legislation” in 2019 and 2020, the materials of the student’s essay competition on the topic “Knowledge of law is the requirement of our time”, which was attended by 45 students, as well as the results of an analysis of scientific and educational literature, regulations of Ukraine

  • It has been found that the implementation of modern pedagogical technologies using case studies, problem-based, content analysis of legal norms contributes to improving the quality of the students’ assimilation of the Якість, стандартизація і сертифікація в фармації

  • It has been proven that the use of the case-based and problem-based methods in classes on the discipline “Pharmaceutical law and legislation” contributes to the development of professional analytical thinking, development of skills for solving practical situations

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Що використання на заняттях з дисципліни «Фармацевтичне право та законодавство» проблемного методу та методу кейсів сприяє розвитку фахового аналітичного мислення, відпрацюванню навичок вирішення практичних ситуацій. Обґрунтовано, що за критерієм характеру ситуації можна застосовувати кейси-випадки, кейси-вправи, кейсиситуації. З’ясовано, що проблемний метод можна впроваджувати під час проведення лекцій, семінарських та практичних занять, а також під час самостійної роботи студентів. Ключові слова: педагогічні технології; якість освіти; кейс-метод; проблемні методи навчання; інтерактивні методи навчання; методи змістовного аналізу правових норм; фармацевтичне право та законодавство. The substantiation of modern pedagogical technologies for improving the quality of teaching the discipline “Pharmaceutical law and legislation”

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