
OZET Erzurum Ekolojik sartlarinda dikim ve tepe alma zamanmm patateste verime ve diger bazi agronomik karekterlere etkisini tesbit etmek icin bu calisma yapilmis, erkenci ve gec olgunlasan 34/962 ve 49/962 cesitler bu denemeye alinmistir. Neticede, en fazia verim en erken dikim zamani olarak tayin ediien 13 Mayis tarihinde a.ltlnmis, tepe aimanm· veya surgun oidurmenin onemli etkisi gorulmemistir. SUMMARY Potato yield, the average size, the number and the largest iuber in the hi/s as effected by date of planting and vine kil/ing. In 1969-1970 the effeet on potata yield, average size of tuber, number of tubers per hill and the largest tuber in the hills due to the date of planting and vIne killing has been investigated under Erzurum ecologecal eondition The experiments were located near number fOUf well at Ataturk University area. Four different date of planting treatments of May 13, 28 and June 13, 28 were conducted and two potata varieties, the earliest being 34{962 and the latest 49{962 used in four replieated spht plot desing. Tlie vines were killed on the 13th 28th of May and 13 th and 28th of june. One parsel was used as a control The results of this experiment are given below. 1- The higest yield was obtained from the earliest date of planting in both of varIeties. The yie1d was icnereased 215 percent in the early planting of early varietyand 114 percent of Iate variety. 2- The number of tubers in per hil been affeeted by the date of plantlg. The number of tubers of both variety where plantea earlier, were usually greater than that of Iate planting. The percentage of inerease was 62.7 in the earlyone and 33.2 in the Iate variety. 35 3- Average weight of one tuber was olso heiger the early planting than lhat of Iate planting. 4- Time of vine kiiiing has not any signIficant effect on the features of potato tubers

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