
In the article it was shown that under the professional development we understand the stage of the professional formation, covering the entire period of the professional training, as well as the beginning of the professional activity. During the period of professional training a person acquires special knowledge, skills and abilities; he/she develops pedagogical abilities, actualizes and develops professionally important personal traits, forms the pedagogical orientation of the individual, his/her professional position, the formation of subjectivity in teaching, readiness for its implementation.
 We think that in the period of direct implementation of pedagogical activity there is a correlation of the specialist’s theoretical knowledge and skills with the peculiarities of practical activities; some experience of pedagogical activity is gained; the individual style of embodiment and realization of pedagogical activity is formed taking into account the professionally important qualities of the person; there is a formation of pedagogical orientation; the pedagogical position is formed; prospects for further professional growth are determined.
 We also think that the process of the professional development of any specialist is closely related to the formation of the professional readiness of the person for future activities. The core of the professional development means a positive attitude of the individual, to his/her future profession, fairly stable motives for future activities, professionally significant personality traits, professional knowledge, skills and abilities, as well as some experience of their application in practice.
 Thus, for the professional development of the person it is important to master the norms, standards of the profession, the formation of the necessary professional personal qualities, knowledge and skills to solve professional problems successfully, for the formation of motivational and value attitude to the person’s profession, individualization, awareness and the realization of the zone of the nearest professional development, readiness for the differentiated estimation of the activity, a combination of the professional openness, the ability to study independent creative searches.
 So, we’ll do the conclusion, that a need for creative activity of students of all faculties of foreign philology is mostly high, and professional qualities which determine the formation of components of readiness for translation are at the stage of intensive forming, such as: the awareness of the need to bring the matter to a logical conclusion, mastering the basic means of translating, orientation in interpersonal relationships. Also, the high level of translation activity of students in each group is fixed at the level of no more than 25%, which indicates that students are not enough professional.
 Particular attention we should paid to the fact that self-actualization is mostly related to the motivational component of readiness to perform translation activities, in particular the need to perform it and awareness of the need to solve the purpose of translation activities. In our opinion, this fact indicates that students are still quite idealized, do not clearly understand the ways of self-realization. In the second year of studying at higher educational institutions future specialists believe that only the desire is enough to achieve a great success. To a lesser extent, in their opinion, it is important to bring the case to the end, to have all necessary means to carry out professional activities, to orient in the interpersonal relationships and to predict the future outcome of the activities. All this emphasizes a need for special activity with the students in order to develop all the components of their readiness to perform translation activities.

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