
The article presents the results of research on theoretical substantiation and formation of yield and grain quality of winter wheat in the conditions of the Right Bank Forest Steppe of Ukraine, depending on the pre–sowing application of a new type of fertilizers with prolonged action in the technology of pre–sowing application of winter wheat. The purpose of the study was to establish the effectiveness of the use of new fertilizers in different formulations, which were applied during the sowing of winter wheat, compared to the absolute control and the option, which was chosen as a production control – with the introduction of nitroamophoska. The research was conducted during 2019/2020–2021/2022 in the scientific laboratories and stationary crop rotation of the department of plant breeding at the VP NUBiP of Ukraine "Agronomic Research Station", which is located in the Fastiv district, of the Kyiv region. In the experiments, a high–yielding, medium–early ripening winter wheat variety of MIP Valencia was sown. Sowing was carried out in the second decade of September, the sowing rate was 5 million similar seeds per 1 ha. The predecessor was soybean. The experiment was carried out in quadruplicate. The registered area of the site is 50 m2. To establish the effectiveness of the new types of DoraSOP fertilizers, a two–factor field experiment was conducted: factor A – the type of fertilizers (Actibion, Phos, Elite), factor B – the rate of fertilizer application (80; 100; 120 kg/ha physical weight). As a result of the conducted research, the parameters and regularity of the formation of elements of the crop structure were established. With the introduction of Actibion, Phos, Elite fertilizers in all the years of our research, a greater differentiation of grains in the ear was established compared to absolute control and zonal control. The number of grains in an ear when fertilizers were applied increased by 17–50% compared to the control variant. The mass of grain from an ear in the control version was 0.74 g. In the zonal control version, it was 0.97 g in Actibion 125 versions – 1.29 g; Phos – 1.05–1.11 g; Elite – 1.20 –1.22 g. The weight of 1,000 grains is influenced by the weather conditions of the year and the provision of moisture during the period of formation and pouring of grains. The highest indicators of the mass of 1000 grains were noted in the versions using Dorasop – Actibion fertilizers – 42.4–44.1 g.; Phos – 39.0 – 41.5 g; Elite – 42.5–43.0 g. The highest yield among the studied options was obtained in the options with Actibion application, and was 6.51–6.79; Elite – 6.24–6.58; Phos – 5.11–5.56 t/ha, yield in control – 3.17, production control – 4.88 t/ha. The use of fertilizers had a positive effect on the formation of quality indicators of wheat grain. The protein content in grain when Actibion fertilizers were used increased to 13.6–13.8%, in the control variant – 11.1%, and in the production control – 13.5%. The application of Elite provided a protein content of 13.5 to 13.7%. The maximum indicators of crude gluten content were noted in variants with the use of Actibion fertilizers of 23.6 – 24.6%, slightly lower indicators were formed when using Elite – 23.6 – 24%, production control formed indicators of crude gluten at the level of 24.3%, which corresponds to the 2nd quality class. Variants using Phos post–sowing fertilizer – 19.4 – 20.0%, respectively, 3rd quality class. Even lower indicators of the amount of gluten were in the control version without application of post–sowing fertilizer – 17.5%. Conducted complex studies of DoraSOP fertilizers on winter wheat crops, made it possible to draw conclusions about the high efficiency of fertilizers. Fertilizers have a prolonged effect, are characterized by a low rate of application, surpass the production control, which was significantly higher in terms of the total application of the active substance of macroelements. The effectiveness of all types of fertilizers depends significantly on weather conditions, in particular the amount of precipitation.

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