
Aim. The study of the patterns of formation of relationships between the yield and quality of winter wheat grain when using traditional and latest fertilizer systems, including resource-saving and environmentally-saving technologies, various types of a new generation of organic-mineral bioactive fertilizers with fertilizer, reclamation propertie. Methods. Field, laboratory-analytical, statistical. The studies were carried out in a long-term experiment on gray forest soil of the Department of Agrochemistry of the NSC «Institute of Agriculture of the National Academy of Sciences» in a 5-field crop rotation. Results. The impact of various traditional and new types of fertilizers on the quality and yield of winter wheat has been assessed. It was found that the highest yield was obtained with the traditional organo-mineral fertilizer system, which included the combined use of cattle manure and mineral fertilizers at a dose of 12 t/ha of cattle manure + N100P60K100 against the background of double feeding with complex chelate fertilizer – 2 l/ha – 5.67 t/ha. With organic systems, the grain yield was the highest for the introduction of OMBD at a dose of 2 t/ha against the background of pea straw 3 t/ha, where it was 5.10 t/ha with an increase of 47% compared to the control: straw. A downward trend in protein content was determined depending on the yield and moderate nitrogen nutrition, so with a control yield without fertilizers of 3.31 t/ha, the protein content was 12.4%. The use of pea straw led to the lowest protein levels - 8.99%. At the maximum dose of mineral fertilizers, the highest protein content was determined - 13.6%. The gluten content was the highest for foliar application of chelated fertilizers, 12 t/ha of cattle manure + N100P60K100 - 21.4%. Conclusions. Tendencies to maintain quality indicators at the same level for the content of starch, phosphorus and potassium for all fertilization systems were determined.

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