
Based on the regularities of the first stage of lifecycle for the social system of industrial education it is predicted the status of initiation for education and perception system around the turn of the anthropocene eon. It is emphasized that the process of the new age education system set- up takes place in self-organizing mode. For this purpose, the following is assessed: 1) the state of the “spirit of the era”, that carries an personalized (information, network, knowledge, digital) society, as an example of a new type of life order for the global community; 2) worldview imperatives of eco-humanistic filling of the educational community of the planet; 3) ideological guidelines for sustainable development; 4) conceptual prerequisites for the formation of a new education type that do not correspond in any way to the transformation of the violent paradigm of education and upbringing of young people of the technocratic age; 5) the state of fundamental science as a reason that, on the basis of mastering a new classification of social labor, should generate a modernization of education content in the 21st century; 6) the content of the involved segment of senseogenesis, which gives rise to a new division of information work in order to qualitatively service new operation forces, leading to the benefits of the development of spiritual production over material. It is prognosed that the new social division of labor will form a qualitatively new nomenclature of workers in domain of national and international education. The problems of the current state of the theory of education and pedagogy are revealed, those does not have time to produce perspectives of national and international educational policies relevant to the needs of the planet’s social organism. The attention of educators focused on the inadequacy of the existing pedagogical and organizational facilities to impact on the formation of creative personality, since they only improve the conservation of the industrial education system. The planetary personality is justified as the ideal of an educated person of the 21st century and the ultimate goal of education and upbringing in the World Knowledge Society. The principle of personalization / individualization is defined as the main parameter of managing the generation of the future education system. Emphasis is placed on the benefits of an open system of education that enhances the degree of individual freedom in a globalized world. Educators and education managers are encouraged to turn to the principles of evolution, which more strongly contribute to the spread of human activity in the school. The attractiveness of the idea of self-education for the modern young generation in the virtual space of the information age is emphasized.

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