
The economic and energy efficiency of growing legume-cereal grass stands depending on fertilizers has been studied. The research results have revealed that cultivation of perennial legume-cereal grass stands without mineral fertilizers in the Carpathian region possesses the following features: the net profit totals 11.1-21.9 thousand UAH/ha, the level of profitability is 151-210%, the prime cost of 1 ton of feed units makes 1.6-2.0 thousand UAH, BEK is 2.8-3.7 GJ/ha, KEE is 6.4-8.5 GJ/ha, energy costs per 1 ton of feed units account for 3.1-4.3 GJ. Cultivation of bird's foot trefoil the companion sowings with cereals provides the highest indicators of economic and energy efficiency. Among the fertilizer options, the best cost-effectiveness options were with the application of phosphorus-potassium fertilizers at the rate of Р60�?60. Keywords: Legumes And cereals; Efficiency; Grass stand; Fertilizers References Babych A. O. (1998). Methodology of experimentation in feed production and animal feeding. Vinnytsia. 78 p. Veklenko Yu. A. (2003). Economic evaluation of low-cost methods of creation and use of sowing grassland. Kormy i kormovyrobnytstvo, 51, - P. 235-237. Vyhovskyi I. V. (2013). Cost-effectiveness of one-species and compatible crops of perennial grasses on slope lands. Naukovyi visnyk LNUVMBP im. S. Z. Hzhytskoho, 15, V 3, - P. 17-20. Voloshyn V. M. (2018). Formation and effective use of meadow grasses on the gray forest soil of the Right-bank Forest Steppe. NSC «Instituteof Agriculture of the National Academy of Agrarian Science of Ukraine», Chabany, - 22 �?. Litvinov D. V., Butenko A. O., Onychko V. I., Onychko T. O., Malynka L. V., Masyk I. M., Bondarieva L. M., Ihnatieva O. L. (2019). Parameters of biological circulation of phytomass and nutritional elements in crop rotations. Ukrainian Journal of Ecology, 9(3), 92-98. DOI: 10.15421 / 2019_714 Dospekhov B. A. (1985). The methodology of field experiment (with the basics of statistical processing of research results). - 5th revised and enlarged edition. - M.: Agropromizdat. - 351 p. Kurgak V. G. (2010). Meadow agrophytocenoses. Kyiv. DIA. 374 p. ISBN 978-966-8311-59-8 Konyk H. S., Rudavska N. M. (2016). Economic evaluation of the creation and use of hay fields. Peredhirne ta hirske zemlerobstvo i tvarynnytstva, 60, - P. 71-74. Klymenko A. A. (2009). Expenditure management at agricultural enterprises. Ekonomika ta upravlinnia, 4 (8), - P. 51-57. Karbivska U. M., Butenko A. O., Onychko V. I., Masyk I. M., Hlupak Z. I., Danylchenko O. M., Klochkova T. I., Ihnatieva O. L. (2019). Effect of the cultivation of legumes on the dynamics of sod-podzolic soil fertility rate. Ukrainian Journal of Ecology, 9(3), 8-12. DOI: 10.15421 / 2019_702 Pukalo D. L., Vyhovskyi I. M. (2015). Economic evaluation of the creation and use of cereals depending on the tillage and composition of grass mixtures. Naukovyi visnyk LNUVMBP im. S. Z. Hzhytskoho, 17, V 1-3 (61), - P. 162-166. Ates S., Keles G., Yigezu Y.A., Demirci U., Dogan S., Isik S., Sahin M. (2017). Bio�?�economic efficiency of creep supplementation of forage legumes or concentrate in pasture�?�based lamb production system. Grass and Forage Science, 72, - P. 81-83. Schellberg J., Kuhbauch R. (1999). Long�?�term effects of fertilizer on soil nutrient concentration, yield, forage quality and floristic composition of a hay meadow in the Eifel mountains, Germany. Grass and forage science, 54, - P. 195-207. Karbivska U. �?., Butenko A. O., Masyk I. M., Kozhushko N. S., Dubovyk V. I., Kriuchko L. V., Onopriienko V. P.,. Onopriienko I. M, Khomenko L. M. (2019). Influence of Agrotechnical Measures on the Quality of Feed of Legume-Grass Mixtures. Ukrainian Journal of Ecology, 9(4), 547-551. DOI: 10.15421 / 2019_788

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