
The research purpose – to justify the energy and economic efficiency of precipitation of urban waste water from the soil the way of their utilization as fertilizer in the cultivation of soybeans, spring wheat and barley on a light gray forest soils in the Volgavyatskiy region. The results of the analysis of the chemical composition of the sediments of urban wastewater (OGSv) Novocheboksarsk, a comparative analysis of the chemical composition and OGSv half rotted cattle manure. The presence of OGSv more than in the cattle manure, the amount of calcium and magnesium favourably impacting soil environment, its structure and nutrient status are of particular value for Sod-podzolic and gray forest soils. The limiting factor in the use of OGSv as a fertilizer, is the accumulation of heavy metals in soils and agricultural produce. Application OGSv as fertilizer for 60 t / ha direct effect does not increase the energy efficiency of soybean cultivation (EFC = 0,14 pcs.), however, an aftereffect, the spring wheat cultivation and barley energy efficiency ratio increases, respectively, to 1,21 and to 1,17 units. In this case the cultivation of soybean, spring wheat and barley is profitable for economy .The content and dry organic matter of nitrogen, phosphorus, calcium and magnesium in deposits of municipal wastewater is higher than in cattle manure, which defines their particular value as a fertilizer.

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