The aim of the work is to study the ventilation function of external respiration (FER)and the nature of its changes in response to bronchodilator in patients with chronicobstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and bronchial asthma (BA) with concomitantirritable bowel syndrome (IBS).Material and methods. 50 patients with COPD, 50 patients with BA, 50 persons withCOPD and IBS and 50 patients with BA and IBS during the exacerbation of theunderlying disease were examined. The age of patients ranged from 24 to 65 years: 115men and 85 women. The main method of diagnosis of bronchial obstruction is the study ofthe ventilation function of external respiration (FER) using computer spirography withthe analysis of the curve flow-volume, which was carried out on a computerspirography Eger. To determine the reversibility of obstruction, samples with inhaledbronchodilator salbutamol were used.Results. In patients with COPD, there was a decrease in both FEV1 and FVC. The degreeof spirometric disorders correlated with the severity of the disease. The obstructive typeof graphic image of the curve flow-volume, which was characterized by a decrease inthe volume velocity of the airflow, was observed in all patients. The ratios of FEV1/FVC %and MEF25%-75% in all patients with COPD were reduced. The presence of concomitantIBS in patients with moderate BA does not make it possible to achieve complete controlover the course of BA, due to the continuance of spasm of the peripheral bronchi, whichrequires medical correction in the form of increased inhalation therapy of BA. The bestsingle reaction to bronchodilators (increase in FEV1 on average 19.5±2.3%) wasobserved in patients with BA with transient generalized obstruction syndrome, withbronchospasm predominance. In patients with BA and IBS with transient generalizedobstruction syndrome, the increase in FEV1 after inhalation of bronchodilator was onaverage 12.6%±1.7%.Conclusions. Based on the analysis of violations of ventilation FER in patients withCOPD with IBS, the predominance of the peripheral type of bronchial variant of persistent generalized bronchial obstruction was revealed. Transient generalizedobstruction syndrome with completely reverse obstruction prevailed in patients with BAand IBS, in patients with BA without IBS and continuance of peripheral bronchial spasmin patients with BA with IBS.
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